Monday, December 1, 2014

Who is the king of Hip-Hop?? ssr

Hip-hop belongs to the artists and the listener's just because all artists inspire at least one person. Theses’ artists that make the music for people like me and you aren't doing it just for them and us. It's all for the listener's and hip-hop it’s self. Although the black race started hip-hop & whites joined it should be open to all races no matter what happens between them. Music is a fair game for blacks & whites that are dedicated to singing for their fans. They may say mean things about one another but the rappers come together for the game. Yes history of whites is continuing with Macklemore and his great rap albums. His apology should be sincere and from Macklemore’s heart not his head. The apology should be appropriate enough for people to see him as a role model. Rap music can transcend race and class when people get stupid and are always wasted. The race you are when you join rap music doesn't really matter at times unless you say something at another race & mean it. Rap isn't to inedible tied to black urban culture. White rappers like Eminem have opened up to welcoming too few white guys. Although Eminem was the first white rapper and he won’t be the last thanks to inspiration. When the rap community opens up and welcomes people we should thank that community for opening up. The apology that Macklemore gives to the blacks of the hip-hop community should be sincere, honest and sorrowful. Although Macklemore shouldn’t have to apologize to any of the rappers that he joined with in rap community.  So my input on which hip-hop belongs to is that it belongs to the people that listen and support the artists along their carrier. The ruler of hip-hop in my opinion would be Flo rida.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

I love to play sports and watch sports, most of all soccer and football. Many players have left their mark on,soccer, mlb, NFL, and the NHL. A example of a great player is Babe Ruth, Ruled baseball in his time, when he played in the MLB. The rules of most of the sports have changed allot throughout time. The games have gotten harder, more physical and higher scoring.Lets start off in 2014 too get into the harder rules and so on. The current world cup champions, suberbowl champions and the hockey champions have done well for having a mixed amount of talent and challenges. The sea hawks are the current super bowl defenders while yesterday night the giants won the world series by one point over the Kansas city royals. Many competitors will lose to win and win to lose. Those type of players build their strength and hopes for the next to come game or season. The ring is just a symbol, winning it is a privileged. The people that made these championships are the most remember able people of history, they allow current players too bear the name as champions. In fact the best thing bout being a kid is u get to meet those people and shake there hands. Those people make a impact on your life and the things u do, its called being a athlete/role model. The way you act and feel is how ur role models seem and are, and how u and them are treated throughout life. The worst player alive is blake bortles cuz he plays for jacksonville. Also the people like blake improve over years and then actually win. The ones that win one year arent garenteed another ring the following year. Example russel wilson wont exactly win a super bowl. - tay tay

Friday, September 26, 2014

CRR Selfie or Nah?????????????????????

When you explore places around the world you should expect to see selfies at historical monuments.
Breanna is not in the wrong with what she took at Auschwitz. She is in the right cause she is allowed to smile when amazed to see the old historic place in Germany. People who have criticized her and said she should die and kill her self should go to prison for criticizing a kid. 

Then men and women that defended this girl should be given a award for understanding her reasoning of a smiling selfie. Some people need to get that most things that happened in past are history and will have a slim chance of happening again. The Auschwitz camp was a horror scene, but how many people would die to go see the camp and there living conditions like breanna.

From my point of view on life, adults need to let kids do things that interest them or ever smile over sadness, so id encourage people to do same as breanna. Many people get criticized for things that matter, mean something , to the public safety, jobs, homes, & life. People complain bout her & many kids don't have phones or ways of communication thanks to those that criticize. 

Well why would it be a big deal bout someone enjoying them self's, lets go back to Justin Bieber & what he wrote in the sign in sheet when in Germany. Many people criticized him for his options . Breanne's actions were trying to pay a tribute to her father & men and women who fought in world war 2. Many people criticized and defended the two teens for there actions at a Germain monument.

To wrap this up and stop this blog i will love to thank twitter and ms. Spence for making this happen.
