Friday, September 26, 2014

CRR Selfie or Nah?????????????????????

When you explore places around the world you should expect to see selfies at historical monuments.
Breanna is not in the wrong with what she took at Auschwitz. She is in the right cause she is allowed to smile when amazed to see the old historic place in Germany. People who have criticized her and said she should die and kill her self should go to prison for criticizing a kid. 

Then men and women that defended this girl should be given a award for understanding her reasoning of a smiling selfie. Some people need to get that most things that happened in past are history and will have a slim chance of happening again. The Auschwitz camp was a horror scene, but how many people would die to go see the camp and there living conditions like breanna.

From my point of view on life, adults need to let kids do things that interest them or ever smile over sadness, so id encourage people to do same as breanna. Many people get criticized for things that matter, mean something , to the public safety, jobs, homes, & life. People complain bout her & many kids don't have phones or ways of communication thanks to those that criticize. 

Well why would it be a big deal bout someone enjoying them self's, lets go back to Justin Bieber & what he wrote in the sign in sheet when in Germany. Many people criticized him for his options . Breanne's actions were trying to pay a tribute to her father & men and women who fought in world war 2. Many people criticized and defended the two teens for there actions at a Germain monument.

To wrap this up and stop this blog i will love to thank twitter and ms. Spence for making this happen.
